Students who enroll in Cheryl's section of Directed Research (PSY 5993) during Fall semesters will work together on the lectures and exercises in Functional MRI: Basic Principles. We will meet weekly to work on exercises and reflect on lectures in the online textbook. Students will also collaborate on acquiring and analyzing data from an fMRI experiment of their own. The experiment will be guided by Cheryl or a graduate student in the lab so that it is aligned with the lab's current research program.
Students will need to learn Python (the programming language) and Linux (the operating system) in order to participate in lab work. No prior experience is required, but students who don't already know these things might need to spend a significant amount of their own time taking (free) online Python and Linux classes.
Since we have no prerequisites for participation, you do not need to contact Cheryl before registering for her section of PSY 5993. Instructions for filling out the research contract can be found in the OLIV Operations Manual; In August, Cheryl will email everyone registered for her section of PSY 5993 to organize a weekly meeting schedule for the fall semester.
The Olmanl lab does not accept new PSY 5993 students in spring semesters. Students who have done directed research in Fall are always welcome to (but are not required to) stay on for a second semester of PSY 5993 in the Spring and start working with us on one of our projects during Spring semester, or write a proposal to receive funding from the University's UROP program to pursue one of their own interests more deeply. We can also help you find a few good summer research programs to apply to. Check out this list if you want to start thinking about that.
Our lab rarely offers volunteer opportunities because we think your time is valuable. We'll work with you to figure out how you can receive credit or get paid for the work you do in a lab.